Wind Breaker chapter 170: Kaji trains with Sakura as Noroshi Arc wrap up continues
Wind Breaker chapter 170 was expected to primarily focus on setting up the conflict of the current arc, with the Noroshi Arc having officially ended several weeks ago in chapter 162. Officially released on Tuesday, February 11, 2025, the installment instead opened up by continuing to explore the fallout of this previous arc.
However, Wind Breaker chapter 170 did advance the narrative by seeing Ren Kaji and others heal up from the bout to the point of being able to train again. Likewise, Haruka Sakura’s brief appearance in the issue is an incredibly exciting one thanks to an unexpected yet exciting request Kaji makes of Sakura.
Disclaimer: This article contains potential spoilers from Wind Breaker chapter 170.
Wind Breaker chapter 170 cements Hiragi and others’ bonds with Kaji as training resumes
Windn Breaker chapter 170 began with Toma Hiragi and Ren Kaji training with each other, clearly fully healed up from the Noroshi Arc’s events. The two were not only training, but intensely exercising as best evidenced by an intense panel of Kaji preparing to throw a punch. This led into a flashback which also reveals the chapter’s title of “Resurgence.”
Hiragi was seen walking through the rain with an umbrella, with his text messages with Kaji revealing that he was coming to visit Kaji who was starting to feel better. On the way, he ran into Kaji’s Vice Captains Yuto Kusumi and Takeshi Enomoto. After a brief conversation where the pair seemed to be very upset about something, they all went to Kaji’s house, who was shocked to see them all together upon opening the door.
Wind Breaker chapter 170 saw Hiragi briefly chastise Kaji for not telling him the two were coming so he could come after. As they entered, discussion between Kaji and Hiragi about their respective mothers made it clear how long they’d known each other. Hiragi likewise included a bag of gifts for Kaji, some of which were from his mom, that included peaches which he was especially excited to receive.
The four then sat down around a table as Kaji got them a snack and something to drink, speaking about how he had to get Hiragi’s CD and return it to him. Hiragi obviously told him not to worry about this due to Kaji still being visibly injured (as were the rest of them). Shortly after sitting down, Hiragi explained to Kaji that his Vice Captains were worried for him mentally after the last fight.
Wind Breaker chapter 170 saw Kaji begin to answer before Kusumi and Enomoto interrupted and apologized. They specifically apologized for not being able to carry Kaji’s burdens with him as they promised, but made him become someone he hates (going overdrive).
However, Kaji clarified that no one made him turn into “that” as he put it, saying he “was the one who chose to turn” and taking full responsibility likewise. He was stressing that making the choice of going ‘overdrive’ showed how adamant Kaji was about winning the battle against his designated opponent from the Noroshi gang.
Moreover, as stated in Wind Breaker chapter 170, Kaji also didn’t want to play the game of throwing the blame at others because the first-years (Sakura’s class) were giving their all and even won their battle (presumably against Endo).
So, to regain his status as the ‘senior,’ Kaji wanted the take the blame to his face and become stronger. However, he trailed off in reality, prompting Hiragi to tease him to finish as the tension in the group finally defused.
The flashback ended shortly thereafter as Kaji said they all had to train from the ground up, returning to the present where they were doing just that. In fact, Wind Breaker chapter 170 saw several other second- and third-year students training with them as well, all motivated from the latest battle.
Shortly after, protagonist Haruka Sakura and the other first-years came out and also asked to join. The issue ended with Kaji singling out Sakura to train with him specifically, recognizing the young fighter as a cut above his first-year peers (presumably due to Sakura’s feat of defeating Endo singlehandedly).
In summation
While Wind Breaker chapter 170 doesn’t necessarily begin the next conflict, it clearly sets the main focus on the path of leading into whatever’s coming next for the Bofurin. In the foreseeable future, fans can expect a heavy focus on both Kaji and Sakura, whose training will likely last several chapters. In fact, it’s this focus on the pair’s training that may see the next conflict begin via running into powerful members of the next enemy group.
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Edited by Joseph Brogan